Coins exchanges.

You send 10 coins
to a random member
and you receive 10 back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
Unwanted messages
01 Aug 2021, 04:19:30
I have received a message from this person.

sent old banknotes
Please send me old banknotes
My name is yacine abdelouahab and I live in Algeria. I love the hobby of collecting in Collecting old paper coins both then and now
I love collecting all old banknotes!
And I'm glad if you send me you would be very grateful,
address :
yacine abdelouahab
cite porte charef bloc 55 n 19
djelfa 17000 algerie

Hé hasn't sent anything but seems to contact everybody
20 Sep 2021, 07:27:34
This member has not logged in since sending you that message. If the messaging system is used for spamming I can block the option of sending messages for that member. Let me know if this member continues sending this messages and I will block this option for him.
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